Yep it’s that time of year! The Star Trek Voyager DVD’s have been broken out and season after glorious season rewatched in all it’s borg-y goodness… gotta love them subtitles.
Wanna know something interesting…? Voyager was the first Star Trek that I encountered all on my own… and, funnily enough, is the only star trek that I like to watch. Original Star Trek is too old for me, although makes for bad sci-fi puns at times… The Next Generation is what my mum loved ever so much, but I just couldn’t get into it. Same with Deep Space Nine… I just couldn’t fall in love with it like I did with Voyager. It had all the aliens… but… but… No. Don’t get me started on the Enterprise. It’s too painful.
I like Voyager. I like the interactions. The crew. I love seven of nine… but… who doesn’t?
Just give me more of it. Every year I find myself being pulled to spend a few months watching it in bed. And, even though I’ve seen it a million times, I still enjoy the stories. I enjoy seeing Tom & B’Elanna’s love blossom. I get anxious as Kes progresses through her life. I feel my stomach drop when I see the borg cubes, knowing how much pain and destruction they bring to the quadrant.
I can’t help it. I think I might be a nerd… or is it geek? I can never remember. Tell me.
Till next time